Mookie always puts on a good event- tonight should prove to be no exception with 57 players. I believe that is anew record. Things went well for me in the beginning when I flopped top two against xkm1245. A short time I flopped a straight with TJ against mowenumdown and took the outright chiplead. Then three hands of infammy. AA against J3s. jjok hit is flush on the turn. Next hand (no really, the next one dealt): TT against smokkee with a scary QQ2 board. I folded to his all-in. KK in the next hand dealt against rons2112’s 77. 7 on the river. I am down to 1K in chips in exactly 3 hands dealt. Meanwhile in a 6-pack SnG I get KK and get it all in against TT. Ten on the flop and I am out 5th. The suckouts are fierce and dangerous tonight.
Well, I made it past the first break, barely. My night ended when my QTs ran up against AJs. I flopped the 4 flush, but it never got there and I am out 31st. Bummer ending for being chip leader not 20 minutes earlier.
Another bust out in 5th from a SnG and poker is done for the night.
Sorry about my flush draw……I’m a donk
No problem, it just started a pretty hard slide for me. But as they say: that’s poker.
Thanks for making it out last night, tough run of beats for you last night.