E-Filed my 2005 taxes today. I owe $5500. Ouch.
I’m working on my Low Limit Challange tracking page (here). It works pretty much exactly as I want with one exception- I would like to put a status percentage next to the running total.
However I’m not sure which percentage to use. My two options are:
Running Total/Overall Level Goal
(Running Total – Level Starting Amount) / (Overall Level Goal – Level Starting Amount)
Currently the first one would be 67.23% while the 2nd one would be 34.45%. I am leaning toward the 1st option for two reasons. One: the goal is to increase my overall bankroll, not squeeze out a level. Two: it is a lot easier to program 🙂
Because of the last few sessions, I am actually above water at FullTilt even if you take out the bonus currently worked off.
Tuesday’s WWdN event is tonight- but I don’t know if I will be able to play. I played golf this morning (don’t ask- I sucked) and I will have to work late to make up for it.
Wednesday is Mookie’s weekly online game. Come play with us- the water is great.
Ouch…$5500…that’s alot of Vegas money.