As most of you know, I am leaving Big Blue on the 15th of March. Since it looks like a sad severance package- I am need of employment. Luckily I appear to be in some amount of demand.
I had a meeting with a staffing service/head hunter last Wednesday that went quite well. From there I did a phone screen on Friday for a contract-to-hire position. It looks promising, but I need to talk to folks there in person before I can decide if I like the job or not. There has been no follow-up on that that phone call yet. I expect one shortly.
Yesterday I got an email from a recruiter for a high-tech software company in town. As it turns out, I know a few people who work there. I know the VP from reputation, we worked at the same company but not directly together. I also know one of the QA managers and one of the QA folks. I did work with them directly. That got me fast tracked and I went in for a on-site today. I think it went really well. I hope to know more by the end of the week. It got down to job role description and start date. That is a good thing in my experience.
My goal is to start on March 19th. That gives me the 15th and 16th to watch the first round of the NCAA basketball tourney. It also gives me the weekend to watch the round of 32. I have four days of flex-holiday which I will take before the 15th. That gives me plenty of time to hang out. I might even play a little golf. Mookie’s Weekend at Mookie’s is coming up in April; It would be nice to at least be able to *hit* the ball.
I am still on the wagon. 5 days left. There are several of us on this plan. One of them figures he had his last drink at 10PM Super Bowl Sunday. He figures one month puts it at 10PM Sunday. I, for one, will not be going out Sunday to have a beer at 10 just because the month is up. Most likely I will just hit a happy hour on the 5th. I figure two or three beers and I will be swimming. Last year I had three beers and one shot before I got on the plane to Vegas and was *hammered*. Lack of tolerance is a hell of a thing.
There is talk of a Vegas trip in April to play some golf and cards. I’m not sure of the time frame, I’m not sure of the job situation, I’m not sure of the cash situation, and well- I’m just not sure I can do it in April. Past that it gets too damn hot to play in the desert. I’ll stick to my 6:30 tee-times here in Austin and sweat it out before noon.
Still running. It is a slow week, with only 6 miles on the schedule. Today I did two miles in 18:26 (9:13s). I did four miles on Saturday in 40:24 (10:06s). I am pretty happy with those paces. Certainly, I would like to get my short runs into the mid to low 8s and my longer runs closer to 9 minute miles- but for now I am pretty content.
The torrent I mentioned in a past post finally worked. I had to change to the actual BitTorrent client and let it try for awhile. 3 gigs of data. 727 songs. 1.8 days of music. I have heard some interesting stuff so far and have only listened to a dozen or two songs.
One small note on poker: I officially suck. My FullTilt account is nearly drained and I reloaded Stars to, apparently, drain that one as well. Ick.
I ordered a new laptop from Dell Outlet over the weekend. It should come in this week since it is being shipped from the next town over. I’m hoping to make my next post from my new shiny laptop. And yes, I will be dual booting it with Linux, probably Ubuntu. I also avoided Vista. XP suits me much, much better.
Have a good Hump Day everyone!